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How to Run a Facebook Giveaway to Get More Likes and Comments
Case Studies
Does your Facebook page need an engagement boost? Frends Beauty shows us how running a Facebook giveaway through Rignite is just the trick!
Do you ever get that feeling that no matter how many awesome graphics, tantalizing questions, or hilarious comics you post on your Facebook page, you’re not getting enough engagement? It happens to even the most well-known brands. But luckily, there are loads of different ways to grab your fans attention and get that …

The Beauty of Instagram: Social Media Success from Frends Beauty
Case Studies
From time to time we like to take a moment to sit down with a business that has had great success with social media. They say that a picture may be worth a thousand words, but according to Matt Morelli, Director of Business Development for Frends Beauty, Instagram is worth thousands more. The entertainment industry’s one-stop-shop for professional hair and makeup artistry supplies has established international recognition and sales galore, as well as a thriving …

3 Ways Into the Hearts of Your Customers This Valentine’s Day
Case Studies
As February approaches, drugstores everywhere have lined their shelves with various hues of pink, purple, and red candy boxes. Paper-crafted hearts are strung in children’s classrooms, and Hallmark is eagerly awaiting their annual boost in sales. Subtle hints are omnipresent and remind marketers of one of the most loved/hated holidays of the year: Valentine’s Day. Luckily for businesses alike, this holiday presents us with a chance to create some hype and stand out. But with …

Inspiring Story of How A #SmallBiz With Thousands of Competitors Found A Way To Stand Out Using #SocialMedia
Case Studies
Have you heard the joke that goes:
Q: How fast do you have to be to outrun a bear?
A: Just a little faster than your hiking buddy.
It’s not the funniest joke we’ve told in this space (or maybe, sadly, it is…) but it does serve to highlight an important point – standing apart is key to survival. But it’s not just key to surviving a race with a bear, it’s also critical for small businesses in …

How A Small Business In A Niche Market Found A Big Audience On Social Media
Case Studies
Think building a large audience on social media is only for the big companies with broad appeal? Think again.
While it’s true that many small companies, or companies with a more niche focus, choose not to bother with social media (or worse do it all wrong), there are tons of small businesses that are absolutely killing it on social media. After all, social media management is both a science and an art. It’s the companies that …

Beyond the “Like”: How a Small Business Can Use Social Media to Drive Sales
Case Studies
If you watch ABC’s Shark Tank (there is no shame in admitting you’re home on a Friday night — Friday is the new Thursday! Or pretend you DVR’d it!), you may have seen Byron Young pitch CordaRoy’s — an ingenious bean bag chair with a bed inside. Yes, a bed inside.
The sharks may not have been excited about doing a deal, but they all agreed the product was a great one. We adore this little-company-that-could …

#SocialPlus: Social Media Customer Service. Where Win Meets Win.
Are your customers using social media? Probably.
The 2012 Social Habit report from Edison revealed that 56% of Americans have a social profile, up from 52% in 2011, and 24% in 2008. Further, the study showed that 22% of American’s have “The Social Habit” described as using social networks several times a day.
If your customers are using social media, are they using it to receive customer service? Very likely.
Entreprenuer revealed statistics from a study commissioned by …