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18 Expert Tips for Finding the Best Social Media Tactics for Your Business
Social Media Strategy
Do you know if your social media strategy is working? One of the biggest challenges in “doing social right” is that it’s easy to get distracted by the countless tactics du jour.
So how can you know what tactics will work for you? And where to focus your efforts?
I asked a few social media experts to get their opinion. Here’s what they said:
“How can businesses know what social media tactics are right for them?”
Ted …

Who to Meet at #SMMW14 [Infographic]
Rignite News & Tips
Are you going to Social Media Marketing World? With the impressive line-up of some of the top thought leaders in social media, you will have plenty of opportunities to meet great people, get inspired and find some new tricks to put into practice and improve your social media marketing.
To help you get started and make the most of your time at #SMMW14, we’ve put together this infographic of “must meet” influencers.
Bonus: We’re giving away a …

8 Resolutions for 2014 to Enhance Your Social Media Marketing
Tips & How To’s
Admitted: The very concept of making New Year’s resolutions is a cliché. And, more often than not, an exercise in futility as well. How many times can you resolve — unsuccessfully — to (fill in the blank____________): lose ten pounds, cut down on vanilla vodka, quit smoking or exercise more?
But, with a pristine New Year beckoning on the horizon, it really seems that this one might be different, and that all things are possible. You, …

How To Give Faster, Better Responses On Social Media
Rignite News & Tips
Do you feel like it’s too time consuming to promote your business on social media?
Here’s the secret. You don’t have to go it alone on social media. Even if you are a small business, you can delegate the time intensive efforts to an assistant. The key is to clearly establish who monitors & who responds. Not everyone on your team knows your business well enough to respond to comments. And often times, the …

4 Ideas for Holiday-Themed Social Media Campaigns
Tips & How To’s
The Holidays are right around the corner. Starbucks is now serving you coffee in red cups, the leaves on trees are slowly trickling down to the sidewalks, and we are now adding an extra layer and stylish, yet cozy scarf to our ensembles. What does this mean for your business? It’s time to get into the spirit, and create some holiday-themed social media campaigns, of course! You might be wondering how to do this—well don’t …

Inspiring Story of How A #SmallBiz With Thousands of Competitors Found A Way To Stand Out Using #SocialMedia
Case Studies
Have you heard the joke that goes:
Q: How fast do you have to be to outrun a bear?
A: Just a little faster than your hiking buddy.
It’s not the funniest joke we’ve told in this space (or maybe, sadly, it is…) but it does serve to highlight an important point – standing apart is key to survival. But it’s not just key to surviving a race with a bear, it’s also critical for small businesses in …

6 Tips to Turn Followers Into Dollars using Social Media
Social Media Strategy
The way we see it, prospects who have shown consideration of your product are just sales waiting to happen. They want to buy from you but are waiting for the right time and the right offer. They are just lurking out there … so how do you reel them in?
Read on for our six best tips for converting your social followers into paying customers.
1Closing the Sale Using Social Media Tip #1: Ask for the Sale
Seems …