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5 Tips for Social Media Content Management
Tips & How To’s
Your success on social media will only be as good as the quality of your content. If you post relevant, engaging content you’ll be able to support your business goals and get great results.
That’s why it’s so important to develop your own way of managing your social media content. You’ll be able to share the best content for your audience and get results consistently, not just randomly.
Here are 5 tips for getting started on your social …

Manage Your Social Media Marketing More Efficiently This Year
Rignite News & Tips
It’s been a hectic past year for all of us, and it doesn’t look like the new year will be bringing us more time to do the things we need to do.
You’re probably in a similar situation, so we’re hoping that we can help you to manage your social media marketing more efficiently this year.
Here are just some of the new features and improvements that our team has recently delivered. These are designed to make …

How to Do a Twitter Giveaway
Tips & How To’s
There are many great reasons to run a Twitter giveaway or contest. These include boosting engagement and increasing your followers. And of course it can be a lot of fun for your fans!
In this post I’ll share some tips for how to do a Twitter giveaway for your business. For some types of giveaways, using social media management software like Rignite can make your life a whole lot easier to create and track your giveaways.
1Decide on …

How to Run an Instagram Giveaway
Tips & How To’s
Running an Instagram giveaway or contest is a great way to generate excitement and boost engagement. Using social media management software like Rignite can make your life easier tracking and analyzing your campaigns.
Here’s how to run an Instagram giveaway or contest, with examples of how to do this with Rignite.
1Create Your Instagram Giveaway or Contest
The first step is to think of what would be a fun and engaging instagram giveaway or contest. A giveaway requires someone …

5 Instagram Giveaway Tips
Tips & How To’s
Instagram is a ideal social network for supporting your brand and increasing engagement with an Instagram giveaway. The visual nature of Instagram creates many opportunities to be creative and catch someone’s eye. And because links are not clickable in Instagram posts, it focuses people on engaging and sharing posts.
Here are 5 Instagram giveaway tips for making your giveaway or contest a success.
1Instagram Giveaway Tip #1: Pick an Exciting, Visual Prize
The prize for your giveaway should be …

Cool Giveaways on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook That Caught My Eye
Case Studies
Social media giveaways can be an important component for social media marketing success (especially for an e-commerce business). But how do you create one that gets great engagement?
Here’s a few recent giveaways I’ve noticed on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to get your creative juices flowing.
1Twitter: Go Ahead
Twitter Giveaway: Retweet & Follow for a Chance to Win a Summer Basket @goahead gave away a summer snack basket of goodies to people who retweeted and followed them. The peek …

Follow the Winners: Great Twitter Contest Ideas
Case Studies
People love to compete… and we all love winning, don’t we?
That’s why contests have always been a great way to get prospects and customers involved with a brand. That’s especially true with Twitter and other social media.
Last month, we covered great Facebook contests, but Facebook isn’t the only channel for fantastic social contests. While typically different in format from their Facebook brethren, Twitter contests are proven winners for social media marketing campaigns. Tying a contest …