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47 Holiday Marketing Campaign Ideas for Social Media
Tips & How To’s
The end-of-year holidays provide an ideal time to grow your following, increase engagement, and boost sales.
You’ll want to think of as many ideas as you can for your holiday marketing campaigns on social media. That way you’ll be able to pick a good mix of campaigns that won’t wear out your audience.
Here are 47 holiday marketing ideas for social media campaigns, organized by holiday. Each page gives some great examples of easy-to-run holiday campaign ideas. We’ll highlight …

Every Post of Yours Should Have an Effective Call To Action
Tips & How To’s
Do your tweets go unnoticed? Do your social profiles look lonely? Does no one comment on your posts?
Maybe it’s because you didn’t ask. It could be that simple.
Businesses that are new to social media often forget this simple practice, or don’t think it applies to social media. Just as in email marketing, when you “ask for the sale”, you learn what works and gets people to take action.
Calls to action are important for two critical …

Move Your Prospects Into A Buying Cycle Via Social And Email
Social Media Strategy
So, you’ve been actively converting your community into prospects (aka “soft leads”). Good job, Grasshopper! Now it’s time to move them further into your sales funnel and turn those soft leads into hard leads.
But you’re thinking “Rignite, what’s a ‘hard lead’?” (So maybe you’re not actually thinking that, but it’s a good segue that allows us to say…)
Good question, reader!
A hard lead is someone who is actively in a purchasing cycle or decision making …

How to Create Social Media Analytics that Support Your Content Strategy
Social Media Strategy
Can you analyze how your social media content strategy is working? What would you measure to see what content categories are most successful with your audience?
The topic of social media analytics has been covered before, but not from a content strategy standpoint. There’s a lot of resources that show you at a high level how to analyze how your posts are doing on social media. Or how to report the number of new followers and ‘likes’ you’ve received.
But …

How to Create A Social Media Posting Schedule
Tips & How To’s
Are you tired of randomly posting to your social networks, whenever you happen to remember? Would you rather have a consistent way to communicate with your followers?
A social media posting schedule can help you get consistent results. A posting schedule can be an informal plan, a formal written schedule, or even just a mindset based on strategic thinking.
Here’s what to think about when you create your social media posting schedule.
How to Create a Social Media Posting …

5 Tips for Social Media Content Management
Tips & How To’s
Your success on social media will only be as good as the quality of your content. If you post relevant, engaging content you’ll be able to support your business goals and get great results.
That’s why it’s so important to develop your own way of managing your social media content. You’ll be able to share the best content for your audience and get results consistently, not just randomly.
Here are 5 tips for getting started on your social …

How to Manage a Social Media Team
Social Media Strategy
If you’re reading this, you already know that managing social media for business is a team sport. But what’s the best way to organize and manage a social media team?
No single player can win the game for you, but as a team you can win with your social media fans. It’s important to plan your social media play book just like you would any other important business processes.
How can you make sure your team builds …